Friday, 11 July 2008

open Plan?

As my profile says I work in "Government". We are currently going through an office rationalisation programme whereby we have all been converted to open plan and our desk space has been reduced. I couldn't resist taking the attached picture which suggests that they are taking open plan to extremes

Thursday, 10 July 2008

from form to from

All was well with E. When I got home she was building a tower with the garden chairs and climbing up to get her frisbee stuck in the tree!

The title if this post reflects one of my major gripes with auto correct. In my job i often have to write letters and memos referring to a specific form. Word always auto corrects this to form. And whenever, I type From it autocorrects to form. VERY Frustrating. But I am also involved in the editing of internal guidance so I have had the great delight of sending an e-mail today saying " this guidance was fine except you will have to change "from" from "from" to "form". It sent Word into a veritable tizzy!

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

worrying about children

The end of the book I have just finished "Bringing it all back home" by Ian Clayton takes an unexpected turn. The book as a whole is a celebration of music told in a succession of anecdotes about singers and songs. The last chapter however deals with the unexpected death of his daughter, Billie in a canoeing accident. This chapter is very moving and reflects the anguish of a father grieving for a child.

Although not on the same level I felt some of that anguish last night as my youngest E had to go to Casualty, suffering from concussion. It is a long and boring story as to how it happened but suffice it to say she fell off a chair and banged her head on our ceramic tiled floor. After E vomited twice my wife rushed her off to the Hospital. I am usually in bed by 10 as I get up for work at 4:45 everyday. I stayed up watching crap TV until 1:30 a.m. until I heard word of what was happening. I was woken again at 3:45 when they returned. Even now I feel guilty being here at work typing this, not knowing how she is feeling.

Thursday, 3 July 2008

A long overdue post

Now that I seem to have attracted the attention of the weblog community I'd better start posting more regularly! Thanks Ib for adding me to your links.

IA believe it or not has just come back from a holiday in France. His school ( a special needs school) takes the Year 6's to France every year. It's an amazing undertaking, given that there are other kids who have more fundamental needs than IA. But they are a great school (I might be biased because I am a governor there) check out their website

But with him being away I was able to see my Daughter play Viola at a reknowned classical music venue. see the picture posted by a proud father